Myocardial Infarction. By: Joyce and Marilyn

  1. 2. A cause of cardiovascular disease.
  2. 10. Lack of blood to the heart.
  3. 11. When the heart contracts.
  4. 13. Mass/Height =?
  5. 14. Determines the rate and regularity of a person's heart beat.
  6. 15. Surgical procedure performed to reduce the risk of death caused by coronary artery disease.
  7. 16. Essential to keep hydrated.
  8. 17. Irregular heartbeat.
  9. 20. Speed walking.
  10. 21. Increased blood pressure.
  11. 22. Chest pain.
  12. 24. Procedure done to determine the area(s) of the heart lacking adequate blood and oxygen.
  13. 27. Excessive sweating.
  14. 29. Technique used to expand narrowed or obstructed arteries.
  15. 30. Chest pain felt without a heart condition.
  1. 1. Done frequently during exercise to avoid over exhaustion.
  2. 3. Opens up blood vessels.
  3. 4. Helps relax the heart muscle(medical intervention).
  4. 5. Static exercise that should be avoided by patients to prevent the straining of muscles.
  5. 6. 20-? minutes is the ideal time for completing an exercise.
  6. 7. Shortness of breath.
  7. 8. Known as Diaphragmatic breathing.
  8. 9. A heart attack.
  9. 12. Increased body fat.
  10. 18. Increased heart rate.
  11. 19. Exercise to decrease body fat and lower blood pressure.
  12. 23. When the heart relaxes.
  13. 25. No or irregular physical activity.
  14. 26. Abnormal narrowing of a blood vessel.
  15. 28. Lack of oxygen.