MyPlate Review

  1. 3. Go for a variety of colors when choosing fruits and vegetables.Fill _______ of your plate with these two groups.
  2. 9. kids and teens who participate in physical ______ need more calories each day to replace the ones that are burned off.
  3. 11. A __________ is a measurement of energy available in food.
  4. 12. Getting a variety of vegetables can help prevent against _________ diseases (ie: heart disease, cancer, diabetes).
  5. 13. The best meals have a balance of the five food groups: vegetables, fruit, protein, dairy and _______________.
  6. 14. Choose canned beans and vegetables without ________ (aka salt).
  1. 1. _________ calories should be limited because they provide little or no nutritional value, but are high in fat, calories, sugar and sodium.
  2. 2. Each day make half of your grains ________ grains (ie: whole wheat bread, oatmeal, brown rice).
  3. 4. Fruit is better than juice because it has more _______ and less calories.
  4. 5. Limit _______ grains(like white bread, white rice, white pasta) because they don't have nutrients like fiber, vitamin B and iron.
  5. 6. Go for low-fat and fat-free _________ and get 3 servings of this food group each day.
  6. 7. Nuts, skinless chicken, beans, seafood and tofu are examples of "GO" _________.
  7. 8. Low-fat dairy has fewer calories but enough __________ to build strong bones.
  8. 10. the body needs about ______ thousand calories each day in order to function properly, just like a car needs enough gas to go.