mysteries vocab

  1. 2. a novel, play, or movie dealing with a puzzling crime, especially a murder
  2. 7. carry out a systematic or formal inquiry to discover and examine the facts of (an incident, allegation, etc.) so as to establish the truth
  3. 9. inducing or suggestive of a particular feeling or state of mind
  4. 11. a person who sees an event, typically a crime or accident, take place
  5. 13. a short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral
  6. 14. the general character or attitude of a place, piece of writing, situation, etc
  7. 17. a reason for doing something, especially one that is hidden or not obvious
  8. 19. relief comic episodes in a dramatic or literary work that offset more serious sections
  9. 20. an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something
  10. 21. when an act, especially a criminal one, is alleged to have taken place
  11. 22. herring a clue or piece of information that is, or is intended to be, misleading or distracting
  12. 24. legend a humorous or horrific story or piece of information circulated as though true, especially one purporting to involve someone vaguely related or known to the teller.
  1. 1. a person who is responsible for a crime or other misdeed.
  2. 3. a person thought to be guilty of a crime or offense
  3. 4. animals that cryptozoologists believe may exist somewhere in the wild, but whose present existence is disputed or unsubstantiated by science
  4. 5. the traditional beliefs, customs, and stories of a community, passed through the generations by word of mouth
  5. 6. relating to or denoting the application of scientific methods and techniques to the investigation of crime
  6. 8. the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid
  7. 10. a person, especially a police officer, whose occupation is to investigate and solve crimes
  8. 12. a person who investigates crimes; a detective
  9. 15. open to more than one interpretation, having a double meaning
  10. 16. the pervading tone or mood of a place, situation, or work of art
  11. 18. a claim or piece of evidence that one was
  12. 19. a piece of evidence or information used in the detection of a crime or solving of a mystery
  13. 23. the inference of particular instances by reference to a general law or principle.