Mythical Creatures

  1. 3. Female spirit of the clouds
  2. 4. Serpent with the head of a human
  3. 5. Giant bird of prey with enormous talons
  4. 8. Three-headed dog guarding the underworld
  5. 12. Bird with the head of a human
  6. 13. Water-dwelling horse
  7. 15. Horse-like creature with a spiral horn
  8. 16. Half-human, half-goat
  9. 17. Shape-shifting water spirit
  10. 18. Legendary unicorn-like creature
  11. 19. Fire-breathing serpent
  1. 1. Beast with the body of a lion and the head of an eagle
  2. 2. Giant with one eye
  3. 6. Mythical creature with a lion's body and human head
  4. 7. Mythical firebird
  5. 9. Mythical horse with a horn
  6. 10. Winged lion
  7. 11. Sea monster with many heads
  8. 13. Shape-shifting fox spirit
  9. 14. Half-woman, half-fish