Mythical Creatures

  1. 6. Long ears and quite small
  2. 7. Usually lizard like, and has wings
  3. 9. A horse with wings and a horn
  4. 10. Usually small and green
  5. 11. Horse with one horn on its head
  6. 12. Horse with wings
  7. 14. Usually small and has wings
  1. 1. Half human, half fish
  2. 2. Half bird, half lion
  3. 3. A person who becomes a wolf-like creature when under a full moon
  4. 4. Half human, half horse
  5. 5. Head of a blue eyed man, body of a lion, tail of a scorpion
  6. 8. Fire bird that can live more than one time
  7. 13. Really big person