
  1. 2. cut off Medusa's head
  2. 3. one-eyed son of Zeus
  3. 6. waited 20 years for husband's returngorgons 3 monsters with snaky locks
  4. 7. 3-headed, 3-bodied monster
  5. 11. gave Perseus a sword
  6. 13. killed by discus
  7. 14. held heavens
  8. 15. killed his wife and children because Hera drove him mad
  9. 16. cleverest Greek hero
  1. 1. race of one-eyed giants
  2. 3. wanted monster head as wedding giftAmazons fierce warrior womenChiron wise centaur who taught Hercules
  3. 4. queen of warrior women
  4. 5. only winged horse
  5. 8. was once Athena's priestess
  6. 9. nine-headed snake
  7. 10. island ruled by Odysseus
  8. 12. punished in Tartarus