Mythology 1 Homework

  1. 1. titan goddess of all the fresh water on earth.
  2. 6. Titan god of light or sunlight.
  3. 7. titan goddess of prophetic radiance.
  4. 8. _______'s constellation was called "Aries".
  5. 10. titan god of mortal life span or god of death.
  6. 11. immortal giants of incredible strength.
  7. 13. titan god of enormous river called Okeanos.
  8. 15. titan god who bore the sky aloft.
  9. 16. the King of Titanes and the god of time.
  1. 1. titan goddess of divine law, order and customs.
  2. 2. titan goddess of the moon.
  3. 3. the mortal who had and affair with the Titan goddess of the moon.
  4. 4. titan god of mortal life span or god of death.
  5. 5. the god of wisdom and heavenly oracles.
  6. 9. titan goddess of fertility and motherhood.
  7. 12. titan goddess of all the fresh water on earth.
  8. 14. married to his mother.