
  1. 5. When someone can't stop thinking about something
  2. 9. Incredible sadness
  3. 10. A story created to explain a phenomenon
  4. 11. Something that has to be done
  5. 13. The antonym of similar
  6. 14. The reason something happens
  1. 1. Something that is valuable
  2. 2. To own something
  3. 3. The point of view of a character, reader, or author
  4. 4. The event that happens because of something else
  5. 6. How things are alike
  6. 7. A message the author is trying to teach us or the character
  7. 8. To brag
  8. 9. To be worried about something
  9. 12. The art of creating something by going over and then under