  1. 2. Norse god of thunder
  2. 6. Greek goddess of wisdom and warfare
  3. 7. Greek goddess of love and beauty
  4. 10. Mythical creature with a single eye in the middle of its forehead
  5. 11. Greek hero known for his great strength
  6. 12. Chief god in Norse mythology
  7. 13. Japanese sun goddess
  8. 18. Greek goddess of the underworld and the harvest
  9. 19. Mythical creature with the head of a bull and the body of a human
  10. 20. Thor's powerful hammer in Norse mythology
  1. 1. Greek god of the sea
  2. 3. Female figures in Norse mythology who choose those who will die in battle
  3. 4. Woman from Greek mythology who opened a box containing all the evils of the world
  4. 5. Greek god of travel, communication, and commerce
  5. 8. Greek god of the underworld
  6. 9. King of the gods in Greek mythology
  7. 14. Egyptian god of mummification and the afterlife
  8. 15. Greek god of music, poetry, and healing
  9. 16. Greek goddess of the hunt and the moon
  10. 17. Mythological creature with snakes for hair