
  1. 2. Greek hero who completed 12 tasks
  2. 4. Norse king of the gods
  3. 6. Greek queen of the gods
  4. 8. A creature with the head of a bull and the body of a man
  5. 10. Greek god of the sea
  6. 11. Birds that fly around the world and bring information to Odin
  7. 14. Norse goddess of love
  8. 15. A one-eyed giant from Greek mythology
  9. 17. Greek goddess of wisdom and war
  10. 19. Mountain home of the Greek gods
  11. 20. This animal raised the legendary Roman twins Romulus and Remus
  1. 1. A three-headed dog that guards the entrance to the underworld
  2. 3. A bird that is reborn from its own ashes
  3. 5. Norse god of thunder
  4. 7. Greek god of the underworld
  5. 9. A Gorgon with snakes for hair who could turn people to stone
  6. 12. Roman god of forge and fire
  7. 13. Greek king of the gods
  8. 16. A flying horse from Greek mythology
  9. 17. Greek god of music, poetry, and the sun
  10. 18. Egyptian god of mummification and the afterlife