Mythology and Legends

  1. 4. Greek god of thunder and king of the gods.
  2. 5. Greek god of the underworld and ruler of the dead.
  3. 9. Greek goddess of love and beauty.
  4. 11. Norse god of thunder and strength, wielding Mjölnir.
  5. 13. Egyptian god of mummification, with a jackal head.
  6. 14. Chief god in Norse mythology, associated with wisdom and war.
  7. 15. Figure from Greek mythology linked to a box of troubles.
  1. 1. Shinto goddess of the sun and the heavens.
  2. 2. Greek demigod, renowned for his strength and bravery.
  3. 3. Gorgon with snakes for hair, turning people to stone.
  4. 6. Trickster god in Norse mythology, causing mischief.
  5. 7. Legendary British king and leader of the Knights of the Round Table.
  6. 8. Greek goddess of wisdom and courage.
  7. 10. Greek god of the sea, holding a trident.
  8. 12. Egyptian sun god, symbolizing life and rebirth.