Mythology and Legends 7

  1. 6. An ancient Greek epic poem attributed to Homer
  2. 7. A mythical horse-like creature with a single horn on its forehead
  3. 8. A Phoenician princess in Greek mythology, abducted by Zeus
  4. 10. Mythological creatures known for their enchanting songs
  5. 11. A mythological creature from Scottish and Irish folklore that can transform from seal to human
  6. 12. A legendary creature with the body of a lion and the head of an eagle
  7. 13. Zeu´s father
  1. 1. A Gorgon with snakes for hair, whose gaze could turn people to stone
  2. 2. Mytological beings with the upper body of a man and the legs of a goat
  3. 3. A Greek heroe known for his incredible strength and twelve labors
  4. 4. A multi-headed serpent-like creature from Greek mythology, slain by Hercules
  5. 5. A race of powerful deities in Greek mythology
  6. 8. A creature in Greek mythology known as the "Mother of All Monsters"
  7. 9. A legendary British king associated with the Knights of the Round Table