
  1. 1. Showing hospitality to strangers.
  2. 3. The god of war and violence (most hated god.)
  3. 5. Nothingness, the beginning.
  4. 7. The one that let all the bad things escape from the sealed box.
  5. 10. Means darkness.
  6. 12. The god of wine and fertility
  7. 13. Means night.
  8. 14. Created by Eros also means Earth.
  9. 16. Daughter of Demeter and kidnapped by Hades.
  10. 19. The protector of home and family.
  11. 22. First god and also means Heaven.
  12. 23. The cyclop with one eye.
  13. 24. Gave the horses to man-kind.
  14. 25. The messenger of Zeus and protector of travelers.
  15. 27. Shows extreme hubris and fought in the Trojin War.
  16. 28. Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos are the _____________.
  17. 29. Excessive pride.
  1. 2. The goddess of wisdom, war, arts, and crafts.
  2. 3. The god of light, truth, archery, healing, and music.
  3. 4. An gigantic egg.
  4. 6. The god of the underworld and dead.
  5. 8. The goddess of love and beauty.
  6. 9. A demigod by birth.
  7. 11. The people who created the myths.
  8. 15. The protector of children and young animals.
  9. 16. Gave fire to man kind.
  10. 17. Was born with a deformed foot and married Aphrodite.
  11. 18. The goddess of harvest and growth.
  12. 20. The king of the gods.
  13. 21. Brother of Prometheus.
  14. 26. The blessed king.
  15. 29. The queen of the gods and protector of marriage.