- 4. A master architect who created wings to escape misfortune
- 5. Wielded a silver bow that explained the sudden death of mankind
- 6. The son of Zeus and Hera who was set up along with Hephaestus
- 10. A man who fell in love with his own reflection
- 11. The weapon that Poseidon used to bring fort the spring by striking it into the ground
- 12. God that provided a spring during the contest for Athens
- 14. The goddess who punished echo for falling in love with Narcissus
- 15. A man who received the golden touch
- 19. God of lightning and the father of Dionysus
- 20. the Goddess that supplied the olive tree to Athens
- 21. The food that Demeter was feeding to a mortal to make him stronger
- 22. Minos A king who imprisoned Daedalus and his son, he also ruled over the island of Crete (2 words, space doesn’t count as a box)
- 24. The god of speed who navigated souls to the underworld
- 26. A man who married Atalanta by beating her in a race
- 29. Demeter’s kidnapped child
- 30. A deceitful king who was sentenced to push a boulder up a steep hill forever
- 1. The son of king Aregus, he also killed the Minotaur
- 2. A monster that had a bull head who was sent human sacrifices
- 3. The son of Daedalus who died by drowning
- 4. Son of Zeus and Semele
- 6. Wielded a golden bow that explained the sudden death of women
- 7. A nymph who fell in love with narcissus
- 8. Ruler who determined where people went in the underworld
- 9. Lowest level of the underworld filled with punishment for despicable people
- 12. Apprentice of Daedalus who was pushed off Athena’s temple
- 13. A man who traveled to the underworld to bring back his lover
- 16. Daughter of Atlas
- 17. 3 headed dog with serpents running down his back
- 18. A gift that was given from Hephaestus to Hera, it was made out of gold
- 21. The mortal who challenged Athena and was turned into a spider
- 23. A woman who had 14 children who were all slain by Apollo and Artemis
- 25. A woman who was cursed with being unable to give birth on land
- 27. The god of craft
- 28. Ferryman who took souls across the Styx River