Mythology Review

  1. 2. where a god compands
  2. 3. goddess of wisdom, war, and weaving
  3. 5. before creation
  4. 8. king of titans
  5. 11. queen of underworld
  6. 12. goddess of moon and hunting
  7. 14. nine sisters
  8. 15. god of war
  9. 16. Zeus ordered Poseidon to do this
  10. 19. god of wine, drama, and revelry
  11. 20. king of gods
  12. 21. where gods live
  13. 22. goddess of love and beauty
  14. 24. mother earth; primordial goddess
  1. 1. queen of gods
  2. 4. retributive justice
  3. 6. goddess of hearth and homefire
  4. 7. overhanging heavens; primordial god
  5. 9. king of underworld
  6. 10. rulers before olympians
  7. 13. god of sea
  8. 15. god of music, poetry, and medicine
  9. 17. mother of olympians
  10. 18. goddess of agriculture
  11. 23. god of travel and theft