
  1. 1. The only good thing in Pandora’s box is
  2. 3. Who does Athens get its name from?
  3. 5. Who was married to Uranus?
  4. 8. The war of Greece and Troy was fought over
  5. 12. God of victory
  6. 13. Goat that feeds and takes care of baby Zeus
  7. 14. Who was given Pegasus, but was cocky to Zeus made him fall off?
  8. 18. Who kills there father and marries there mother?
  9. 19. Son of Helos, that nearly burned the world.
  10. 21. Who does Cyke (Skyee) love?
  11. 24. Who does Paris give the golden apple to?
  12. 27. Theseus’ father, Agues was the king of where?
  13. 28. Goddess of Virginity and Archery
  1. 1. Original cup bearer of the gods, but was replaced and is now married to Hercules
  2. 2. Who was in love with Jason and practiced magic (Hectate's follower)?
  3. 4. How many tasks did Hercules have to do?
  4. 6. Who is married to Dionysus?
  5. 7. The story of Romeo and Juliet reflex’s the story of Pyramis and
  6. 9. Ixion a mortal fell in love with this goddess so is being eternally punished
  7. 10. Dido is the queen of where?
  8. 11. Who does Apollo love, that got turned into a tree?
  9. 15. This person was the leader of the Amazons and Hercules wanted her belt.
  10. 16. Eros has an arrow made of lead and an arrow made of
  11. 17. Athens sent how many people each year to be sacrificed at Crete
  12. 20. Perseus is a descant of
  13. 22. Echo falls in love with this person, then watches them drown
  14. 23. Who fathered Aphrodite?
  15. 25. Who created the Labrith?
  16. 26. How many years was Odysseus Calypso’s slave?