- 1. The only good thing in Pandora’s box is
- 3. Who does Athens get its name from?
- 5. Who was married to Uranus?
- 8. The war of Greece and Troy was fought over
- 12. God of victory
- 13. Goat that feeds and takes care of baby Zeus
- 14. Who was given Pegasus, but was cocky to Zeus made him fall off?
- 18. Who kills there father and marries there mother?
- 19. Son of Helos, that nearly burned the world.
- 21. Who does Cyke (Skyee) love?
- 24. Who does Paris give the golden apple to?
- 27. Theseus’ father, Agues was the king of where?
- 28. Goddess of Virginity and Archery
- 1. Original cup bearer of the gods, but was replaced and is now married to Hercules
- 2. Who was in love with Jason and practiced magic (Hectate's follower)?
- 4. How many tasks did Hercules have to do?
- 6. Who is married to Dionysus?
- 7. The story of Romeo and Juliet reflex’s the story of Pyramis and
- 9. Ixion a mortal fell in love with this goddess so is being eternally punished
- 10. Dido is the queen of where?
- 11. Who does Apollo love, that got turned into a tree?
- 15. This person was the leader of the Amazons and Hercules wanted her belt.
- 16. Eros has an arrow made of lead and an arrow made of
- 17. Athens sent how many people each year to be sacrificed at Crete
- 20. Perseus is a descant of
- 22. Echo falls in love with this person, then watches them drown
- 23. Who fathered Aphrodite?
- 25. Who created the Labrith?
- 26. How many years was Odysseus Calypso’s slave?