
  1. 2. It took him twenty years to return home
  2. 4. He was the founder of Mycenae
  3. 6. She was turned into stone by Aphrodite after being disrespectful at Iphis’ funeral
  4. 7. He was the son of Telamon who killed himself because he didn’t win Achilles’ armor
  5. 8. The Dioscuri
  6. 12. He was bound to a burning wheel after he tried to rape Hera
  7. 13. He was the best friend of Theseus and son of either Ixion or Zeus, who made an ill-fated pledge to marry a daughter of Zeus
  8. 16. He killed the Minotaur
  9. 17. This hunter was killed by his dogs when Diana transformed him into a stag after seeing her naked
  10. 19. This centaur was responsible for the death of Heracles
  1. 1. He killed the Chimera
  2. 3. Because he killed his children, he was forced to serve King Eurystheus (Greek name)
  3. 5. He was the leader of the Argonauts
  4. 8. Wife and murderer of Agamemnon
  5. 9. As a punishment, he was forced to roll a boulder up a hill and watch it roll down for all eternity
  6. 10. He was a hero in the Trojan War who was killed by a fatal shot taken by Paris
  7. 11. Creator of the labyrinth
  8. 14. This musician traveled to the underworld to rescue his wife
  9. 15. This Trojan son of Aphrodite achieved great fame in Italy
  10. 18. She started the Trojan War