
  1. 3. The God of Messaging
  2. 4. Two Face God
  3. 7. One of the Three Goddess’s fighting over the apple of discord
  4. 8. Roman God of War
  5. 9. Faced 12 tests
  6. 10. Clue 11’s Greek version
  7. 12. Drink of the Gods
  8. 14. Maximus Highest Ranking Priest
  9. 15. Believed he was the god Zeus and thus ate his own child
  10. 18. Wife of Zeus
  11. 19. “Lefty”
  1. 1. Started a 10 year long war over a woman
  2. 2. Cutting off this creature’s heads makes matters worse
  3. 3. Roman Goddess of Wisdom
  4. 5. Studies the guts of sacrificial beasts
  5. 6. Final Roman festival of the Year
  6. 11. It lurks in the mazes of Crete
  7. 13. God of Smithing
  8. 16. A wooden horse was devoted to her
  9. 17. Throws Lightning (Greek)