myths and legends

  1. 1. What did Hermes steal from Apollo?
  2. 3. God of the underworld
  3. 7. Half man, half horse
  4. 8. goddess of children and the home
  5. 12. What is one eyed?
  6. 14. What are half-human and half-gods called?
  7. 15. half man,half goat,god of nature
  8. 16. messenger of the gods
  9. 17. A lesson that can be derrived from a story or an experience is a ....
  1. 2. Hermes invented what musical instruent?
  2. 4. godess of the hunt
  3. 5. three headed dog guarding the underworld
  4. 6. Who opened a box that had all the evil of the world?
  5. 9. whatdid the greeks use to defeat the trojan people?
  6. 10. What are you called when you have self love at the view of yourself?
  7. 11. What is Poseidon's weapon?
  8. 13. Echo was a...