Nail Disorders and Diseases

  1. 2. caused by trauma to nail bed that damages capillaries and allows small amounts of blood to flow
  2. 3. ridges running vertically down the natural nail plate are caused by this
  3. 5. fungal infection of the nail plate
  4. 6. this is a noticeable trait of eggshell nails
  5. 7. severe inflammation of the nail in which a lump of red tissue grows up from the nail bed to the nail plate
  6. 8. simply known as bitten nail
  7. 10. parasites that under some conditions can cause infections to the feet and hands
  8. 11. separation and falling off of a nail plate from the nail bed
  9. 13. tiny pits or roughness on surface of natural nail plate; noninfectious
  10. 14. redness, pain, and swelling are signs of this
  11. 16. tinea pedis is the medical tern used to describe this
  12. 17. when this or other living tissue surrounding the nail plate becomes split of torn causing a hangnail
  1. 1. bacteria that can cause nail infections
  2. 4. a dark band within the nail plate that extends from the base to the free edge due to increased pigmentation
  3. 7. highly curved nail caused by injury to the matrix or inherited
  4. 9. split or brittle nails with lengthwise ridges on nail plate
  5. 12. onychia is the result of this happening to the nail matrix and nail shedding
  6. 15. caused be injury to the matrix; white discolorations of the nail