Chapter 5/6 Review Crossword

  1. 5. _____ nails, AKA trumpet nails, is a form of dramatically increased nail curvature of the free edge.
  2. 6. _______ gloves are recommended for nail services because they are less likely to cause allergic reaction.
  3. 7. The technical term for bitten nails (Pretty Hungry Aye?)
  4. 8. Nail ________ is a rare and serious type of skin cancer that begins in the nail matrix.
  5. 11. Whitish discolored spots on the nails which do not indicate disease and disappear as the nail grows.
  6. 12. A nail _________ is irregular stretching by the eponychium or hyponychium around the nail plate.
  7. 13. Separation of the nail plate and bed, often due to injury or allergic reaction.
  8. 15. ________ nail appears with lengthwise grooves in the plate, often mistaken for ridges, usually the result of aging.
  9. 16. Separation and falling off of a nail plate from the nail bed. (I'm so MAD my nail fell off!)
  10. 18. Medical term for fungal infections of the feet, aka:athletes foot.
  11. 20. What part of the natural nail unit protects the fingers and toes?
  12. 21. A splinter ________ is damage to the capillaries under the nail, giving the appearance of a small splinter underneath the nail plate.
  13. 25. What is the technical term for the natural nail unit?
  14. 26. _________ is composed mainly of keratin.
  15. 27. A healthy nail plate is ___________, firm, shiny, and pink.
  16. 28. A healthy nail may look dry and hard but has 15-25% _______ content.
  17. 29. __________ lines are depressions running across the nail plate's width due to a slowing production of matrix cells, usually a result of illness or serious injury.
  18. 30. Nail ________ has nail surface pitting, roughness, onycholysis, and/or bed discolorations; the nail plate may appear to have been aggressively filed with a coarse abrasive.
  19. 32. Signs of an _______ finger are visible redness, pain, swelling, broken skin, or pus.
  20. 33. Do not mistake the cuticle for this living skin that should not be cut.
  21. 35. Also known as the sterile matrix, the portion of living skin that supports the nail plate as it grows toward the free edge.
  22. 36. Rapidly growing and contagious bacteria that can cause infection; appears as a yellow-green spot in early stages.
  1. 1. An ingrown nail is also known as:
  2. 2. Bacterial inflammation of the tissues around the nail plate causing pus, swelling, and redness.
  3. 3. Nail plate fungal infection. (Oh MY! I have a nail fungus!"
  4. 4. Irregular split or brittle nails appearing as nail plate surface roughness.
  5. 9. A _______ nail bed can look like dark, purplish spots, usually due to a small nail bed injury.
  6. 10. Significant nail darkening caused by increased pigment cells (melanocytes), visible as a black band extending from the base to the free edge.
  7. 14. _________ nail appears as a noticeably thin white nail plate that is more flexible than usual.
  8. 17. What is the part of the nail plate that extends over the tip of the finger or toe.
  9. 19. The ___________ is the skin overlapping the nail's side.
  10. 22. Pyogenic _________ is severe nail inflammation in which a lump of red tissue grows up from a nail bed to the nail plate.
  11. 23. This slightly thickened skin layer between the fingertip and the nail plate's free edge must be treated gently because damaging it could make infections under the nail plate possible.
  12. 24. ________ nail, aka:folded nail, is a highly curved nail plate.
  13. 30. Abbreviation for the entire skin flap covering the matrix, extending from the visible nail's edge to the 1st joint of the finger or toes.
  14. 31. Matrix inflammation and nail shedding caused by infection or injury.
  15. 34. Damaged skin around the nail plate which becomes ripped or torn.