Name: Malapit, Maria Cassandrah J,

  1. 2. - Not believing enough in the power of one's own internal weapons such as courage, tolerance, understanding, forgiveness, mercy, honesty, sincerity, honor, modesty, humility, generosity, love, patience, self-discipline, temperance, etc.
  2. 4. - Promote ______________ that offers anti-violence programs and services.
  3. 6. - Work with schools to establish ____________, tobacco-free zones, and work with officials concerned to do the same for parks.
  4. 7. - Being raised in a dysfunctional family, coming from a disadvantaged background, or feeling discriminated against, none of it alone causes crime. There are so many others in the world with such conditions, who don't turn to crime. However, they cause a lack of love and respect for others. That, endorsed with some other factors, can be a major issue related to crime.
  5. 10. - The pressure that you feel to behave in a certain way because your friends or people in your group expect it.
  6. 11. - is often blamed for leading to crime, however underneath is something more vital- society bombards with commercial values making one want more and more material things, to the point when some would do anything including criminal acts to get them. Unemployment is another factor in this category that contributes to crime by looking for ways to earn money by any means possible. Deprived neighborhoods: Economically impoverished neighborhoods breed criminal minds.
  7. 12. - is better than cure.
  8. 13. - knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.
  9. 15. - Most criminals are simply too strong physically, pumping up the body muscles, but not enough the mental and emotional muscles. The reason why their strength becomes weakness is that they are not balanced.
  1. 1. - Lack of proper education and great role models causes many to fail to distinguish right from wrong. Also reflected in knowing it's wrong, but thinking they could get away with it, not getting caught.
  2. 3. - is the commission or omission by a person having the capacity of any act prohibited or compelled by law. The commission or omission of which is punishable by a proceeding brought in the/of the government whose law has been violated.
  3. 5. - The habitual taking of addictive or illegal drugs.
  4. 8. - to mentor young people who need positive support from adults.
  5. 9. - Protect domestic _____________ victims and their children through policies as well as laws that offer them a prompt and meaningful response to calls for help and appropriate legal recourse.
  6. 14. - People are not bad by nature, but sometimes too timid to resist the vicious evil that plays on their weakness.