Name of Fruits

  1. 8. the english of "semangka"
  2. 9. the english of "nanas"
  3. 11. the english of "mangga"
  4. 13. the english of "jeruk"
  5. 18. the english of "buah naga"
  6. 20. the english of "alpukat"
  7. 21. the english of "manggis"
  8. 22. the english of "sukun"
  1. 1. the english of "pisang"
  2. 2. the english of "jeruk"
  3. 3. the english of "jeruk nipis"
  4. 4. the english of "kelapa"
  5. 5. the english of "jeruk limun"
  6. 6. the english of "anggur"
  7. 7. the english of "apel"
  8. 10. the english of "delima"
  9. 12. the english of "durian"
  10. 14. the english of "lengkeng"
  11. 15. the english of "strawberi"
  12. 16. the english of "salak"
  13. 17. the english of "jambu biji"
  14. 19. the english of "kiwi"