All about simple machines

  1. 4. two inclined planes that hold things together , or separate them
  2. 6. an example of a compound machine , used for physical activity (b_______)
  3. 7. a combination of 2+ simple machines
  4. 10. a push or pull on an object
  5. 11. the fixed point that a lever moves around
  6. 12. an inclined plane wrapped around a cyllinder
  7. 14. flat surface that is used to raise and lower things
  1. 1. composed of a wheel and rope, used to pull heavy objects
  2. 2. rod that holds the ______ is called the ______
  3. 3. a rigid bar that can move around a point and uses force to move something
  4. 5. tools to make work easier
  5. 8. the force needed to move a load
  6. 9. force that acts in the opposite way intended of the object
  7. 13. inclined plane found in a park