Names for Jobs

  1. 2. makes new reports in Newspapers or on TV
  2. 3. delivers mail to your house
  3. 6. checks your eyes and gives you eye glasses
  4. 9. entertains you on TV or in movies
  5. 11. write books or novels
  6. 13. makes bread and cakes
  7. 15. takes care of your teeth
  8. 16. defends people in court and gives legal advice
  9. 17. sells you food
  10. 18. moves rhythmically over ice
  11. 20. she brings you food in a restaurant
  12. 22. looks after books
  1. 1. works in politics
  2. 4. works in an office, types letters, keeps records
  3. 5. looks after sick animals
  4. 7. repairs your water system
  5. 8. paints pictures
  6. 10. repairs machines, especially car motors
  7. 12. makes clothes for others
  8. 13. sells you meat
  9. 14. works with and sells flowers
  10. 19. designs building and houses
  11. 21. stops swimmers from drowning