Names review

  1. 2. This person loves teaching.
  2. 5. This person studied mathematics in college.
  3. 7. This person is Korean with long light brown hair.
  4. 8. This person missed the first lesson because she was sick.
  5. 10. This person's name is also the name of a shade of green.
  6. 11. This person has 6 cats and 1 dog.
  7. 13. This person was a little late because she got lost (which often happens on the first day!)
  1. 1. This person has a big family.
  2. 3. This person speaks Cantonese and Mandarin.
  3. 4. This person has a lot of roommates.
  4. 6. Her Chinese name has a part that repeats.
  5. 9. This person's name almost rhymes with "foreign".
  6. 12. This person is Korean and has medium-length dark hair.
  7. 14. This person lives with two friends from high school.