NANA Memories Months 1-4

  1. 3. Our go-to place for pizza, the spot where we'd always order a delicious pie.
  2. 4. The place where you were when we had to endure our first long separation, a location with sunshine but a heavy heart.
  3. 5. The subject where our minds connected and laughter was the best study aid, the class we bonded over the most.
  4. 7. The magical day of our high school experience, where our love story truly began to blossom.
  5. 8. ???
  6. 10. The person who emerged victorious in our boba bet.
  7. 12. The place where our journey started with a bowl of ramen, our first date night spot full of flavor and fond memories.
  8. 13. Your response to the question, 'What would I change about you?
  9. 16. The role you are when we were engrossed in our favorite game together.
  10. 19. "The attire that always makes you look incredibly handsome and dashing.
  11. 20. The spirit day theme where our paths crossed, leading to our first individual snapshot together.
  12. 21. The holiday when I had the pleasure of meeting your extended family for the first time.
  1. 1. Our go-to spot for boba drinks, the place where we savor sweet moments one bubble at a time during volleyball season.
  2. 2. The unfortunate location where Luna's expression was famously captured in the least flattering way, if you know what I mean.
  3. 6. The restaurant where we celebrated our three-month milestone, a place filled with fond memories.
  4. 8. Complete the phrase: 'I am absolutely _____' (Hint: The opposite of 'I am ***').
  5. 9. The project we collaborated on in psychology class, showcasing the power of our minds.
  6. 11. The patriotic theme of our very first football game together, celebrating the colors of our nation.
  7. 14. The musical performance we enjoyed on the day I received my acceptance to Penn, a harmonious celebration.
  8. 15. The outdoor adventure that paved the way for our first kiss, where nature witnessed the beginning of our love story.
  9. 17. Our date night activity, where we glided together under the shimmering lights.
  10. 18. The opposing team's school where our joyous victory led to a memorable, heartfelt hug.
  11. 19. The sweet spot where our first date began, with delicious scoops of happiness.