Nan's Cricket Crossword

  1. 3. Is Marnus Labuschagne married?
  2. 5. What is the main colour of the Sydney Sixers?
  3. 6. Who won the BBL final in 2020?
  4. 7. Name the hurricane’s home ground?
  5. 9. Which Tasmanian bowler is off to the Punjab Kings?
  6. 12. Who is the Hobart hurricanes current wicket keeper?
  7. 13. Who has won the most ashes series?
  8. 16. What Australian city was Steve Smith born in?
  9. 17. Which ex-cricketer is Pakistan’s Prime Minister?
  10. 19. What is the main colour of the Hobart hurricanes?
  1. 1. In which Australian city is the Boxing Day test held?
  2. 2. name the best Sydney big bash team.
  3. 4. what is the term used when a player is bowled out on the first ball they face?
  4. 6. Hurricane all-rounder, he is not tall he’s ….
  5. 8. Which brother is the youngest Curran?
  6. 10. What country does Tom Curran come from?
  7. 11. Who is Adam Zampa’s best mate?
  8. 14. Steve smith is a … handed batsmen.
  9. 15. Which wicket-keeper/batsman left WA and is a BBL opening batsman champion?
  10. 18. How many Allan border medals has Steve smith won?