Narrative Theory

  1. 4. A type of structure that ends in the same place or line/sentence that it started.
  2. 8. 2 words a plot element that is the dramatization of events that complicate the situation and gradually intensify the conflict
  3. 10. a scene that takes place before a story begins.
  4. 12. Man V__ When characters face a religious conflict in literature
  5. 16. A complex character that does not undergo change in the course of the story,
  6. 19. characters that are simple follows tropes and stereo-types and are quickly recognized and accepted by the reader.
  7. 21. Man V__ a type of conflict that takes place inside a character's mind.
  8. 22. when speaker or writer states a question and then immediately answers the question.
  9. 23. “choose-your-own-adventure” story structure.
  10. 24. Symbolic image, sound, action, or idea that has symbolic significance and appears frequently in a story.
  11. 25. assigning human qualities and attributes to objects or other non-human things
  12. 28. Man V__ explores when an individual contradicts the social mores surrounding them.
  13. 29. a structure that is driven by specific details or a central character or event which is examined from different angles and perspectives to convey a meaning.
  14. 31. Man V __ A situation in which two characters have opposing desires or interests
  15. 33. two words When the subject of a sentence performs the verb's action,
  16. 34. 2 words an audience's awareness of something the characters are not.
  17. 36. a writer gives an advance hint of what is to come.
  18. 37. viewing human behavior in terms animals charactistics.
  19. 39. a plot element that is the turning point or point of highest interest in a narrative
  20. 40. a type of structure that happens in chronological order
  21. 41. The central meaning or idea of the story.
  22. 43. This character represents a concept or theme larger than themselves.
  23. 44. is a word or expression used in lieu of a harsher alternative
  24. 45. a plot element that concludes the plot.
  1. 1. A type of narrative that jumbles the sequence of events within the storytelling.
  2. 2. Man V__ For example Man V Vampire.
  3. 3. Man V___ character against an animal a storm or tornado or snow.
  4. 5. Man V__ when a protagonist is facing machines or new scientific advances
  5. 6. 3 words narrator's position in which a story is being told in.
  6. 7. Generally, the original model from which something is developed or made;
  7. 9. 2 words when the plot is winding down after the climax
  8. 11. these kinds of verbs are "weak" is am are ...
  9. 13. abso-freaking-lutely is an example of this
  10. 14. using extreme exaggeration to make a point or show emphasis
  11. 15. The tension or problem within the story.
  12. 17. an implied or indirect reference to a person, event, or thing or to a part of another text.
  13. 18. is the use of informal words or phrases in writing or speech.
  14. 20. The entities in the story.
  15. 26. tools and techniques an author uses to enhance the quality of their writing.
  16. 27. The place, time, and environment in which the story takes place.
  17. 30. plot element that introduces characters, scene, time and situation
  18. 32. a character type who undergoes significant internal change throughout the course of a story. However, this growth is ONLY done when force by the plot or conflict.
  19. 34. a written or spoken conversational exchange between two or more people
  20. 35. 2 words The way a story is framed and organized- this consists of linear, circular, framed, fragmented, networked, and interactive.
  21. 38. the author uses vivid images to describe a phenomenon
  22. 42. The sequence of events in a story