naruto vs sauske

  1. 5. burn slightly
  2. 6. notice
  3. 8. answer
  4. 10. beauty of form or movement
  5. 11. hungry
  6. 12. rot
  7. 16. at tricking people
  8. 17. be without
  9. 18. refuse to give in to
  10. 20. make known
  11. 21. lumps of frozen rain
  12. 22. stand above or higher than what is around it
  1. 1. go closer to
  2. 2. or sleepy
  3. 3. make known
  4. 4. make a statement of praise
  5. 7. stand for or in place of
  6. 9. very much
  7. 13. make sounds with the voice
  8. 14. have in mind
  9. 15. allow
  10. 19. be more than