
  1. 3. Which adjective denotes various qualities of substances which are part of their nature,denote size,colour,shape, time period and can be measured?
  2. 5. This denotes the relation of the named event to reality itself
  3. 6. What words are unchanging in form, abstract in meaning, used to build sentence – articles, prepositions,conjunctions, particles, modal verbs, interjections?
  4. 8. These simple sentences are result of obligatory subj.-pred. relations.
  5. 9. This type of phrase is realized either with the help of conjunctions(syndetically) or without them (asyndetically)(bread and butter, cats and dogs).
  6. 12. relationship between a word and its dependents, one-way influence(from V to N) between the predicate and the object of the sentence.
  7. 16. Nouns that can be seen or touched
  8. 19. Adverbial subordinate clauses (even if, although).
  9. 20. Nouns that denote substance
  1. 1. What words-substitutes can replace practically all notional words?
  2. 2. This type of phrases are built up in such a way that one of the members of the phr is dominating(head word) while the other is s..........e to it(modifier).
  3. 4. What nouns are "crew, government, clothes, news, ethics"?
  4. 7. The word "apple" is a ..... in a phrase "big red apple".
  5. 10. Another name for incomplete simple sentences.
  6. 11. This (kind of concordance) can be of two types: grammatical(when the domination is shown in the grammatical form) and in sense.
  7. 13. What words are noun,verb,adj,adv, numeral,pronoun?
  8. 14. ordinal (first, second) and cardinal (one,two)
  9. 15. What nouns are "happiness, power"?
  10. 17. Which adjective expresses properties determined by its direct relation to some other substance?
  11. 18. They are subdivided into complex and compound.