- 3. Which adjective denotes various qualities of substances which are part of their nature,denote size,colour,shape, time period and can be measured?
- 5. This denotes the relation of the named event to reality itself
- 6. What words are unchanging in form, abstract in meaning, used to build sentence – articles, prepositions,conjunctions, particles, modal verbs, interjections?
- 8. These simple sentences are result of obligatory subj.-pred. relations.
- 9. This type of phrase is realized either with the help of conjunctions(syndetically) or without them (asyndetically)(bread and butter, cats and dogs).
- 12. relationship between a word and its dependents, one-way influence(from V to N) between the predicate and the object of the sentence.
- 16. Nouns that can be seen or touched
- 19. Adverbial subordinate clauses (even if, although).
- 20. Nouns that denote substance
- 1. What words-substitutes can replace practically all notional words?
- 2. This type of phrases are built up in such a way that one of the members of the phr is dominating(head word) while the other is s..........e to it(modifier).
- 4. What nouns are "crew, government, clothes, news, ethics"?
- 7. The word "apple" is a ..... in a phrase "big red apple".
- 10. Another name for incomplete simple sentences.
- 11. This (kind of concordance) can be of two types: grammatical(when the domination is shown in the grammatical form) and in sense.
- 13. What words are noun,verb,adj,adv, numeral,pronoun?
- 14. ordinal (first, second) and cardinal (one,two)
- 15. What nouns are "happiness, power"?
- 17. Which adjective expresses properties determined by its direct relation to some other substance?
- 18. They are subdivided into complex and compound.