- 5. Forever plus ____
- 7. God Blessed the broken _____
- 8. Favorite place to eat
- 9. My favorite ice cream place
- 10. Similar to TomTom
- 11. Adventure in Oregon
- 13. Where you asked me out
- 14. Running _____
- 18. Our hang out spot in high school
- 19. I love my ______
- 20. Where I love to tickle you
- 22. Favorite place to walk around
- 1. Place we went on our first date
- 2. used as a microphone
- 3. The town where we met
- 4. Rock climbing
- 6. My favorite vacation place we went
- 12. Yummy midnight snack
- 13. Surprise in San Diego
- 15. our type of dates when we were apart
- 16. Where we met
- 17. What you always do on car rides
- 20. Your lucky number & years together
- 21. Fly me to the _____