Nate + Lizzie = Love

  1. 5. Forever plus ____
  2. 7. God Blessed the broken _____
  3. 8. Favorite place to eat
  4. 9. My favorite ice cream place
  5. 10. Similar to TomTom
  6. 11. Adventure in Oregon
  7. 13. Where you asked me out
  8. 14. Running _____
  9. 18. Our hang out spot in high school
  10. 19. I love my ______
  11. 20. Where I love to tickle you
  12. 22. Favorite place to walk around
  1. 1. Place we went on our first date
  2. 2. used as a microphone
  3. 3. The town where we met
  4. 4. Rock climbing
  5. 6. My favorite vacation place we went
  6. 12. Yummy midnight snack
  7. 13. Surprise in San Diego
  8. 15. our type of dates when we were apart
  9. 16. Where we met
  10. 17. What you always do on car rides
  11. 20. Your lucky number & years together
  12. 21. Fly me to the _____