- 3. survival food
- 6. helps with your sore skin - hint: rodent
- 9. ware around your neck?
- 12. fav toy growing up
- 14. get this on xmas
- 16. fav video game
- 17. your rank
- 19. don't step on this
- 20. call when injured on the battle field
- 21. thanks ______
- 23. 16th president
- 25. Fav Sisters age
- 26. communicate with your friends via this app
- 27. graduation month
- 1. Fav Sis
- 2. after serving you are one of these
- 3. go here to eat
- 4. cant live without them
- 5. army attire
- 7. you make sweet music with these
- 8. DS hit you on this when gun jammed
- 10. nothing runs like a ___
- 11. soon you'll repair these
- 13. they deliver - fav pizza joint
- 15. did this to join
- 18. fav nephew
- 20. standard issued rifle
- 22. where you go next
- 24. you do this often hint: b-day