nathan's chemistry crossword.

  1. 2. molecules bunched up together
  2. 6. water into ice
  3. 8. when something can explode
  4. 10. like a big rock
  5. 11. hot temperature
  6. 13. bunch of atoms together
  7. 14. like soda stain on a piece of clothing
  8. 15. like mixing sodas to create a new flavor
  9. 16. what keeps us going
  1. 1. like the inside of a rock
  2. 3. solid,liquid,gas
  3. 4. when that thing you made explodes
  4. 5. density of something
  5. 7. the smallest thing in the universe
  6. 9. oxygen and water= h2o
  7. 10. this entire crossword like matter
  8. 12. when you glue to things together
  9. 13. mixing sodas