National Diabetes Month Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. Risk factors for type 2 diabetes include ___________, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, weight, high blood pressure, etc.
  2. 4. A medical term for high blood sugar is known as ___________.
  3. 6. The ________ produces insulin.
  4. 8. A diabetes health care team may include a primary care physician, nurse, endocrinologist, ___________, registered dietitian, family/friends, and/or others.
  5. 10. The first insulin pump develop in 1963 looked like a ______ that delivered both insulin and glucagon.
  6. 11. People with type 1 diabetes is dependent on __________.
  7. 16. Complications of untreated diabetes include ______ damage, eye problems, heart problems, kidney disease, foot problems, etc.
  8. 18. Bloodwork such as an A1c, a fasting blood sugar test, and/or ________________ are used to diagnose diabetes.
  9. 21. The ______________ stores, releases, and produces glucose.
  10. 24. A medical provider that specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the glands and organs that make hormones such as diabetes is called an ___________________.
  11. 25. Blood _______ is a medical term for blood sugar.
  12. 26. ___________ is a type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy.
  13. 27. In 2016, the first __________ insulin pump was developed.
  1. 1. More than _________ million people have diabetes in the United States.
  2. 2. If someone's blood sugar is less than seventy, it is considered ___________.
  3. 5. About ____ to ninety-five percent of people in the United States with diabetes have Type 2 Diabetes.
  4. 7. The first person to receive an injection of insulin was a 14-year-old boy named _________.
  5. 9. _________ and his assistant Charles Best discovered insulin in 1921.
  6. 12. _______, infections or illness, certain medications, and a high intake of carbohydrates can cause blood sugar levels to run high.
  7. 13. When eaten in appropriate portions, __________, such as potatoes, corn, bread, and milk can be included in a healthy meal plan for someone with diabetes.
  8. 14. __________ stands for Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support and is a program to help individuals with diabetes in implementing and gaining knowledge on tools and skills for the self-management of diabetes.
  9. 15. The A1c was first developed in 1976 and tells the ________ blood sugar levels from the past 3 months.
  10. 17. ______________ is National Diabetes Awareness Month.
  11. 19. Symptoms of hyperglycemia include nausea and vomiting, frequent _______, increased thirst, blurry vision, unintentional weight loss, fatigue, etc.
  12. 20. A monitor that tracks glucose levels throughout the day and night is called __________.
  13. 22. Before the insulin was first injected into a human, J.B. Collip and ____________ made improvements to the insulin.
  14. 23. A device that checks blood sugar levels is called a __________.