National Librarian Day - April 16th

  1. 3. The current Librarian of Congress
  2. 6. This librarian is best-known for writing the Ramona Quimby series
  3. 7. As of 2020, there were approximately 163,_10 librarians working in the US.
  4. 12. The first Latina librarian of the NYPL (hint: check CMCLreads info)
  5. 14. One of the most popular genres in prison libraries is __ romance
  6. 15. The current director of the Cape May County Library system
  7. 16. This Brat Pack hit from 1985 takes place in a high-school library: The __
  8. 18. The Library of Congress was created during this US President’s term
  9. 20. The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world with more than 170 _ items
  10. 22. The previous director of the Cape May County Library system
  11. 23. As of 2020, there were approximately 69,6_0 library assistants working in the US
  12. 24. This librarian was the First Lady of the US from 1995-2000
  13. 25. This country has the most public libraries
  14. 26. Andrew Carnegie funded how many libraries in the United States: 1,67_
  1. 1. One of the lions outside of the NYPL
  2. 2. This infamous Italian womanizer once worked as a personal librarian
  3. 4. Before becoming the first director of the FBI, he worked in the Library of Congress
  4. 5. A library in this US State lends out taxidermied animals
  5. 8. This librarian is best known for writing A Wrinkle in Time
  6. 9. This fictional librarian uses the alias Batgirl
  7. 10. This French artist and librarian is known for his work Nude Descending a Staircase
  8. 11. Buffy Summers’ high school librarian
  9. 13. The Tikkurila Library in this country has a karaoke room
  10. 17. This founding father started his own lending library in Philadelphia
  11. 19. This US state has the most librarians
  12. 21. The other lion outside of the NYPL