National Park Service Junior Rangers

  1. 3. The _______ Park Service, often known as the NPS, was created in 1916.
  2. 5. You can earn a ______ Ranger badge at many of the National Park Service sites.
  3. 8. The first national park in the U.S. was ____________.
  4. 10. The Gateway ______ in St. Louis, is the tallest of the National Park Service monuments.
  1. 1. Park ____ educate visitors and protect animals, plants, and park features.
  2. 2. National _______ can be natural features or structures built by people.
  3. 4. The ____ on the National Park Service Arrowhead shield stands for wildlife.
  4. 6. When you take the _____, you promise to protect and educate others about the park.
  5. 7. _____ Roosevelt helped to establish five national parks during his presidency, from 1901 to 1909.
  6. 9. Practice Leave No _____ so parks stay clean and beautiful for all to see.