National Park Trivia

  1. 1. The change the wolves brought to Yellowstone were so drastic that the _____________ were even altered.
  2. 2. _____________ Soldiers were the first "park rangers" of the National Park Service.
  3. 4. In 2019, Great __________ Mountains National Park was visited 12.5 million times - the most of any national park that year.
  4. 6. Yellowstone National Park spreads across ________ (spell the number) different states
  5. 7. In 1864 Abraham Lincoln signed the ______________ ____________ Grant Act which protected the land for it's natural beauty and was the first time public land was protected for something other than timbering or hunting.
  6. 8. While Yosemite sparked the idea for national parks it wasn't the official first national park. It was the __________ official national park
  7. 9. By 1884 only about _________ hundred and twenty-five wild bison were left in the United States
  1. 1. T ________________ was considered the "conservationist president" as he doubled the number of parks under the NPS.
  2. 3. In 1995 there were 31 ______________ from Canada which were reintroduced to the Yellowstone ecosystem in an attempt to rebuild the population and balance out the ecosystem
  3. 4. President Woodrow Wilson created the National Park Service in 19____ (spell the number) to consolidate the 35 parks and monuments into one federal agency
  4. 5. ______________ National Park is the oldest national park