National Parks

  1. 1. Kings Canyon National Park is located in
  2. 5. National Park features an early fall season with elk bugling
  3. 9. In this park, rock formations called "hoodoos" poke out of the ground in giant spikes
  4. 12. National Park inspired the idea of National Parks with visits from John Muir and Teddy Roosevelt
  5. 14. Tallest trees in the world by volume is located in what national park?
  6. 16. US President who had a great impact on the National Parks System
  7. 17. Crater Lake National Park is located in
  8. 18. Located in Arizona and is one of the most-visited national parks
  1. 2. Biscayne National Park is located in
  2. 3. considered to be the father of national parks
  3. 4. Carlsbad Caverns is home to over a million of this creature during peak migration
  4. 6. National Park built on what used to be an industrial waste dumpsite
  5. 7. Park located in Washington State and includes both beaches and mountains
  6. 8. park that has an invasive species known as a green cab
  7. 10. National Park located in Montana and features the Going to the Sun Road
  8. 11. This park features bison and active geysers
  9. 13. National Park you can find manatee, panthers, and alligators
  10. 15. Hottest spot in the Continental U.S.