National Patient Safety Awareness Week 2022

  1. 6. Make sure your patient always has this in reach.
  2. 7. One of the biggest risks in a rehabilitation environment is ______.
  3. 8. When passing meal trays make sure to check two _________.
  4. 9. Be sure to always report __________.
  5. 12. You should wash your hands for at least ______ seconds.
  1. 1. National Patient Safety goal #2 encourages improvement of this among caregivers.
  2. 2. One of the most important infection control measures is __________.
  3. 3. _________ is responsible for patient safety.
  4. 4. The physician must be notified within __ minutes of a critical result being reported.
  5. 5. Acronym for using a fire extinguisher.
  6. 8. One of the ā€œPā€™sā€ performed during hourly rounding.
  7. 10. A culture of ________ encourages and supports the reporting of any situation that threatens the patient.
  8. 11. Purposeful hourly ________ is very effective in reducing falls.