National Patient Safety Awareness Week 2022

  1. 1. Make sure your patient always has this in reach.
  2. 5. No procedure can be done without....
  3. 7. The center of all actions
  4. 8. Need to be done before every procedure
  5. 9. One of the ā€œPā€™sā€ performed during hourly rounding.
  6. 12. May cause a patient's death
  7. 13. System to report an event
  8. 14. When the wrong surgery is done
  9. 15. Need to be reported immediately
  1. 2. _________ is responsible for patient safety.
  2. 3. One of the biggest medico-legal risks ______.
  3. 4. Purposeful hourly ________ is very effective in reducing falls.
  4. 6. Basic principle to prevent infections
  5. 10. Not written, not done
  6. 11. Key to inform the patient