National Safety Month

  1. 2. Safety starts with ___.
  2. 3. Safety committee meets _____.
  3. 5. ______ stations.
  4. 8. Must use when liquid is on the floor.
  5. 9. Muscle strain is a common ____.
  6. 10. Personal ______ equipment
  7. 11. ________ safety for needles.
  8. 13. National ______ Month.
  9. 14. Submit a suggestion on The Loop.
  1. 1. BBP stands for ___.
  2. 4. How many pictograms on SDS?
  3. 6. SDS
  4. 7. Eye safety ________.
  5. 11. Pull, aim, ____, sweep.
  6. 12. Occupational Health & Safety Administration
  7. 15. Slip, trip, ____.