National Salvation Army Week

  1. 4. People who serve in The Salvation Army routinely go into places others prefer to avoid: Impoverished neighborhoods, jails and prisons, hospital rooms and nursing homes, gatherings of alcoholics and drug addicts, and the immediate scene of natural disasters.
  2. 5. For those with no place to go or in need of emergency shelter, local Salvation Army homeless shelters provide a warm, safe place for men, women, and – whenever possible – families to stay
  3. 7. Caring for the poor. Feeding the hungry. Sheltering the homeless. Clothing the naked. Loving the unlovable. Befriending the friendless.
  4. 9. The Salvation Army actively seeks to prevent, and protect victims of human trafficking.
  5. 11. The Salvation Army one of the ten most-enduring institutions of the last century, global consulting firm, Booz Allen Hamilton, said, "The Salvation Army endures in large measure because it has earned a unique reputation and high level of public trust."
  1. 1. William Booth once said, "The Salvation Army is a place of hope. When every other light is extinguished, and every other star has gone down, this one gleam shines steadily and clearly out in the darkened sky: ‘If I could only get to The Salvation Army, they will do something for me.' "
  2. 2. With one in six people living in poverty today, housing insecurity is not limited to a certain “type” of person.
  3. 3. The Salvation Army's mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in his name without discrimination. We believe Christ changes lives. This faith gives us a motivation that goes beyond simply doing good.
  4. 6. The Salvation Army teaches people of all ages how to sing and play instruments to the glory of God and for the blessing of others
  5. 8. By providing a safe place to study, read, learn, connect with friends, play sports, and enrich the mind, we give at-risk kids a healthy alternative to less-desirable after-school options.
  6. 10. Natural disasters strike without much warning, so The Salvation Army is ready to jump into action on short notice.