Native People Corssword

  1. 1. empire that existed in Chile
  2. 3. Wanderers
  3. 8. most important resource for Plains people
  4. 10. one of the three northwestern tribes - starts with a K
  5. 13. Used by the Adena and Hopewell for burial and religious purposes
  6. 15. The name of the bridge from Asia to the Americas
  7. 16. carvings made by Northwest Natives that represent spiritual guardians
  8. 18. Second culture in the Ohio River Valley
  9. 20. synonym for corn
  10. 23. one of the three nnorthwestern tribes - starts with a T
  11. 24. method of accumulating food by growing crops
  1. 1. temporary dwellings made from blocks of packed snow
  2. 2. The first Native Americans
  3. 4. one of the three eastern woodland tribes - this was the name of a conferderation of tribes that was looked up to by Ben Franklin
  4. 5. empire that existed in Mexico,Guatemala, and Belize
  5. 6. The first method of collecting food
  6. 7. one of the plains tribes - starts with an L
  7. 9. First culture that lived in the Ohio River valley
  8. 11. one of the plains tribes - starts with a P
  9. 12. Alternate way of travel to the Americas
  10. 14. natives that lived far north near the Bering sea in winter conditions
  11. 17. lived in what is now the states of Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah
  12. 18. descended from Ancestral Pueblo - lived in Northern arizona
  13. 19. homes made of a mix of grass and dirt
  14. 21. empire that existed in central Mexico
  15. 22. what Plains peoples' clothes were made of