Native Speaker: Crossword Puzzle

  1. 6. Kwang refers to _____ when he speaks about his constituents. Kwang models a similar program on the Korean money club ggeh. If you donate a few dollars, you can expect to receive a few hundred dollars in return. Talking about constituents, Kwang declares, “This is a _____.” What is _____?
  2. 7. _____ symbolizes Henry's father’s confidence. In the morning, Henry’s father leaves the house with confidence with ______: “My father could splash it on blithely before he went to the city for work. He could leave the house with a fresh confidence” (Lee 136). _____ further symbolizes his energy in the morning. However, at night, as if he is a Cinderella, the magic all disappears and the aura is gone. _____ is gone too. His father is lethargic and Henry smells the animal of him. The stink of sweat penetrates Henry and causes sickness, representing Henry’s father’s exhaustion from work. What is ______?
  3. 8. Two eleven-year-old boys disrupt Kwang’s activity with ________: “‘It should be so simple. You see it and you write it down. A prank by school boys!’” (Lee 167). With the prank, Henry insinuates that Kwang might be in danger and thinks he should process the incident more, but Jack reminds Henry that two eleven-year-olds boys disrupted the event with _______. Jack does not give much attention to the incident, while Henry worries if Kwang can be put in danger. What is _____?
  4. 11. Henry struggled with “this” when he was younger. Henry recalls this fact when listening to Kwang, a Korean American, talking to him. Speaking with Kwang reminded Henry of his childhood times when he wanted to speak like an English-native speaker. When speaking with Kwang, Henry struggles with listening for the errant tone, the flag, and the minor mistake. Henry recalls, “When I was young I’d look in the mirror and address it as if daring the boy there… I could barely convince myself that it was I who was talking” (Lee 180). What is “this”?
  5. 13. The network does not work very well in _____. Therefore, Henry suggests, “Maybe _____ Koreans are too distant” (Lee 278). Koreans at _____ possibly believe that they have more money or higher social status than Koreans in other places. They send their kids to private schools and drive expensive cars. They belong to country clubs with neither blacks nor Jews. They are too far away from the city, little shops, and the merchants they used to be and know. Believing they’ve escaped already, they think they don’t need John Kwang. Where is ____?
  6. 14. “This word” refers to a spy or some kind of a suspicious person who is trying to collect important information about a particular group or a famous person. What is “this word”?
  7. 17. The novel is told with Henry’s viewpoints. The story follows the stream of Henry’s thoughts, jumping from one idea to another. The story is not written in a ___ order. Events hop in time with flashbacks and flash-forwards.
  8. 19. The young Henry spent his childhood with “this person.” The person is the ideal boy Henry dreamed of. Remembering his _______, Henry says, “‘He was perfect’” (Lee 205). _____ is nothing ordinary; he is perfect. _______ knows karate, kung fu, tae kwon do, and jujitsu. He beats up the kids who call Henry slanted eyes. He is a good athlete and the white girls like him too. He kisses white girls in front of everyone. He is an expert in science, baseball cards, American history, school play, English, and so on. Henry feels this person near him in the daytime. At night, Henry worries about his well-being. He doesn't want this person to disappear. Who is ______?
  9. 21. ____ stock is the Korean gentry. May, the character in the novel, is from ______ stock: “She’s from ____ stock, her people are the Korean landed gentry…” (Lee 262). Being in a wealthy and probably well educated Korean family, May is used to the Korean custom of providing support for funerals. Since she was raised in a wealthy family, she is used to sending money to funerals. Thus, she does not value the money greatly. What is ______?
  10. 23. This animal symbolizes the vocation of Jack and Henry. Henry refers to himself and Henry as “this animal.” “This animal” symbolizes balance, realizing their own powers, and being happy with what they are given. Henry believes that Jack and Henry eat their own. Although Jack said people like them can see just a small part of things, Henry believes that they have independence. Moreover, “this animal” also sniffs food out from other predators. They eat what is left and search for dirty leftovers. This is just like the job Henry is responsible for. Henry says, “We eat our own, you know” (Lee 288). His role must seek for dirty information about Kwang and feed themselves with the profits that the information will bring. What is this animal?
  11. 25. Henry thinks that John Kwang has the ability to make people feel special when Kwang does _____: “This despite the fact that everyone he met, each one of us he encountered inside and outside his office and circle, even and perhaps especially strangers, the curious citizenry of the streets, Kwang made feel as though he were bequeathing a significant part of himself” (Lee 138). Henry feels that John Kwang has good interpersonal relationship skills. Whoever Kwang meets—despite the skin color or ethnicity—, Kwang makes the people feel as if they might be the faintest brother of Kwang. Kwang is amiable to others and easily gains affection. What is ______?
  1. 1. Mitt died when he played “this activity” with his friends: “In the middle of them was Lelia, sitting on the grass, cradling his dead blue head in her arms and lap and rocking on her knees” (Lee 105). While playing “the activity” with his friends, he couldn’t breathe. What is “this activity”?
  2. 2. Instead of jotting down the daily log of his life into a book of personality that Henry is aloof from (as he always did with Luzan and all the others), Henry decides to write _____. Henry wants Hoagland to know _______: “But there is one more version I want to write for Hogland, for the client, for the entire business of our research” (Lee 210). From his experience of telling his own stories to Luzan, Henry feels the power of looking at one’s life through a broad narrative. Therefore, Henry attempts to write this of a man named John Kwang, which Hoagland would not consider important. Henry writes what he can and the close relationship with Kwang allows Henry to do so. What is ______?
  3. 3. What literary device is used in this scene? After the gun "pop" sounds, Henry shields Kwang’s head and slides him into the backseat: “I shielded his head and slide him into the backseat” (Lee 155). Kwang sincerely appreciates what Henry did for him. However, Henry is a spy and does not originally intend to help Kwang. When Henry first gets his job assigned, the reader does not expect Henry to help Kwang and Kwang to appreciate Henry. This is a situational ______. Moreover, it can be a dramatic _______ since the reader knows that Henry is a spy, while Kwang and other supporters of Kwang do not know. Additionally, it is an _______ that the incident happens right after Kwang’s speech that all problems are within ourselves. The incident seems to portray hatred towards others. What is _______?
  4. 4. When Henry was young, he wanted to be more like his _____ and Italian friends: “I used to wish that I were more like my ____ and Italian friends…” (Lee 182). He wanted to speak more confidently. He liked how his friends jubilantly expressed their feelings. Henry has been raised to speak quietly and little, but he wanted everything to let out. What fits _____?
  5. 5. Henry enjoys _______ with Lelia’s father. Since Henry’s father does not like _____ and having a conversation, Henry likes to do this with Lelia’s father: “I liked ___ with him partly because it was something I didn’t do with my father…” (Lee 120). _______ makes casual conversation possible between unfamiliar people. What is ______?
  6. 9. This is Lelia’s job. Having this job helps Lelia to notice how Henry carefully pronounces his words. When Lelia first meets Henry, she says, “You look like someone listening to himself. You pay attention to what you’re doing. If I had a guess, you’re not a native speaker” (Lee 12). Henry, too, notices that Lelia delicate speaks word by word. Henry replies, “You said Leel-ya so deliberately. You tried not to but you were taking in the sound of the syllables. You’re very careful” (Lee 12). What is this job?
  7. 10. Henry’s assignment is to investigate ______. ______ is a city councilman and he is “Korean, slightly younger than my [Henry’s] father would have been” (Lee 23). Henry does volunteer work at Flushing to get access to _____: “They’re opening a new office in Flushing next week and they need volunteers. Everyone’s talking about taking on the mayor” (Lee 38). Henry gets some phone work for Sherrie Chin-Watt, ______’s second: “Anyway, you’ll do some phone work for ____’s second” (Lee 39). Hoagland gives pieces of advice to Henry to act quick and clean while undercover with ______. Who is _____?
  8. 12. Jack is not very interested in _____. Although Henry shows Jack the listening devices, Jack is indifferent towards _____. He is not very interested: “He was unimpressed but he didn’t seem to mind” (Lee 162). This is revealed when Jack visits Henry. For more information, Jack says that he is old and he just wants to see Henry’s face, but Henry feels uneasy as Jack continuously reminds Henry that he should join weekly meetings with Hoagland and present Hoagland with useful information because he wants more. Henry worries this is why Jack is meeting him and makes excuses. What is ______?
  9. 15. A speech therapist who used to teach Henry when he was young. When Henry had a hard time pronouncing, ______ would “give each of us [Henry and students] a small hand mirror so that we might examine our mouths as we spoke…” (Lee 235). ______ then practiced with Henry together. Furthermore, she taught Henry to understand the vibration when letting certain sounds out. Henry recalls her when he sees Lelia’s students. Who is ______?
  10. 16. Henry plans to warn Dr. Luzan to be prudent of unfamiliar invitations, meetings, or visitors. Henry wants this from his fondness for Dr. Luzan. Nonetheless, ___ and Jimmy come to find Henry: “I stepped out into the hall to go to the fountain and standing there in business suits were ____ and Jimmy Baptiste” (Lee 210). Henry tries to say something to Luzan, but Jimmy presses a bandanna soaked with a chemical compound like ether around Henry’s mouth. This makes Henry half-unconscious and Henry fails at delivering his message to Luzan. Who is “this person”
  11. 18. Kwang’s office has been blown up by _____: “The front windows are blown out. A large crowd is already formed behind the barricade” (Lee 250). The office was for keeping voting registration and contributor records. An office janitor, Helda Brandeis, and Eduardo die in the accident when they were working late. Sherrie trusts Henry with following the authorities and taking notes on investigating how “_____” went off and how the fire spread out in the building. He writes about the two accelerants for fire and the device meant timed and set inside in one of the rooms in the office. While writing, Henry thinks that the way that fire spread throughout the building is nothing special. When Henry asks about “_____” that killed Eduardo to Kwang, Kwang gets mad since Henry is just like the reporters who wait for Kwang to make a statement. Kwang says, “‘Do you really care about bombs, Park Byong-ho shih?’” (Lee 273). He knows that if he speaks anything about the issue, the reporters, who want to write provocative articles, will manipulate what Kwang says to something about the races. He knows that this is a good chance for people who oppose diversity. Kwang is hesitant to speak out to the media about “______” because what the media wants from Kwang is a statement about color from Kwang. No matter what he says, people will make it a matter of race. As Sherrie worries the mention of _____ might commit a race war, Kwang is resilient to speak out to the public too. What is “_____”?
  12. 20. This is “a Korean “money club” in which members contributed to a pool that was given out on a rotating basis” (Lee 50). Kwang has a similar program and Jack offers a probability that Kwang might be using _____ for some underhanded scheme. Since Kwang has lost a considerable amount of money in businesses, he might believe the people owe him something back. Perhaps, Kwang might have more _____—a dozen, or two dozen. What is ______?
  13. 22. Henry and his father refer to the “housekeeper” as ______. Koreans normally call an unrelated Korean woman _______. Henry and his father probably do not know much about the housekeeper, even her name. _____ is “the customary address to an unrelated Korean woman” (Lee 69). Therefore, as Henry and his father are not very intimate with the housekeeper, they call the housekeeper ____. What is _____?
  14. 24. “The word” indicates that Henry now needs to reveal his fake identity to accomplish his job. It means that he is ready to reveal the fake, planned identity for his real job. To illustrate, when Henry is eating breakfast with Janice, he thinks, “I cracked the lid of my ____” (Lee 89). When Janice asks Henry about what he really does, Henry says he writes for magazines and his aim is to do profiles. This was done smoothly by well-preparing _____. What is _____?