Native Speaker Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. The spy organization that Henry works for.
  2. 9. A character that Henry invents to cope with his feelings of lonliness. (An imaginary friend)
  3. 14. A person who has a powerful handshake.
  4. 17. “Oh good, it’s the ____”. The way that Henry vaguely speaks.
  5. 18. Henry struggles to find this. He has both Korean ____ and American ____.
  6. 20. Young Korean Woman. Act as a housekeeper at Henry’s house.
  1. 1. A person that Henry trusts. He is a coworker of Henry, a Greek immigrant, and a mentor of Henry.
  2. 2. Henry is a ___. Due to this, he often lies to people and even he is confused about himself.
  3. 3. ​​“And if they do not have the same strong community you enjoy, the one you brought with you from Korea, which can pool money and efforts for its members—it is because this ___ has been broken and dissolved through history.
  4. 5. “People like me are always thinking about still having an ___,” I said. An important factor in speaking the language.
  5. 6. A Filipino immigrant who is living in New York to become a therapist.
  6. 7. Lelia enjoys taking ___. She wants to escape from reality, ignoring solving a relationship with Henry.
  7. 8. The language that Henry uses to communicate with his father.
  8. 10. The state where the story takes place.
  9. 11. The way that Henry’s son. (Mitt has died)
  10. 12. The housekeeper at Henry’s house calls Lelia a ___ American Cat. She isn’t happy that Henry is married to a white woman.
  11. 13. A Korean money club where people gather and help each other.
  12. 15. The way how Korean used to speak in English. Henry was embarrassed of his fathers’ ___.
  13. 16. Lelia’s job. This job is closely related to Henry’s issue of not speaking honestly.
  14. 19. A person who speaks a language as their first language. (Title)
  15. 21. Henry’s boss who he dislikes personally, but also admires him.