Native Tribes of Texas

  1. 3. land bridge natives crossed, _____ Strait
  2. 5. known for their distinct striped markings on their bodies
  3. 7. gulf culture group that fished and hunted to survive
  4. 10. small group of native families that travel together
  5. 12. spiritual leader
  6. 13. East Texas tribe that farmed and was known for pottery
  7. 16. farming
  8. 17. land of the comanche
  9. 18. temporary dwelling of the natives
  1. 1. brought by Europeans and used for hunting by the plains cultures
  2. 2. style of life moving from place to place
  3. 3. hunting tool for the natives
  4. 4. karankawa used these to move around and fish
  5. 5. puebloan culture group that lived in adobe houses
  6. 6. style of houses built from mud and straw
  7. 8. animal natives hunted for food and resources
  8. 9. lived in the swap regions of Texas
  9. 11. oldest continuous settlement in Texas
  10. 14. plains native culture, warriors
  11. 15. tool used to throw spear harder