- 2. Nat's dad's name
- 3. Not a Bad-a!
- 7. Garfield's owner
- 8. Nat is pretty poggers at this puzzle game
- 10. Nat's favorite color
- 14. Show that sam is from
- 15. instrument Nat played in highschool
- 16. Nat's favorite mario character
- 17. a fella nat thinks is awfully cute
- 19. Among Us?
- 20. Nat's cat
- 22. What jordan says to nat
- 1. ohio's state bird
- 4. Nat's role in Oklahoma!
- 5. Nat's favorite thing to draw
- 6. Nat's oldest and coolest sister's name
- 9. nat likes to eat this part of the pizza first
- 11. the chicken that lays the eggs
- 12. nat's favorite medium to draw in
- 13. what color are nat's eyes?
- 14. Nat's beloved pokemon card
- 16. ohio's state tree
- 18. Jaden's answer to if he will wear a maid dress
- 20. Epic nat state
- 21. The funny face that jordan makes