
  1. 3. a cascade of water falling from a height, formed when a river or stream flows over a precipice or steep incline.
  2. 5. an area of land overgrown with dense forest and tangled vegetation, typically in the tropics
  3. 6. a piece of land surrounded by water.
  4. 9. a large underground chamber, typically of natural origin, in a hillside or cliff
  5. 10. a large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea, a lake, or another such stream.
  1. 1. a large natural elevation of the earth's surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level; a large steep hill.
  2. 2. a mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from the earth's crust.
  3. 4. large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth.
  4. 7. a dry, barren area of land, especially one covered with sand, that is characteristically desolate, waterless, and without vegetation.
  5. 8. a large body of water surrounded by land