Natural & Artificial Selection

  1. 1. a distinct characteristic of a creature
  2. 7. relating to or resulting from living organisms
  3. 9. the idea that animals with the most fitness will survive
  4. 10. the process of mating creatures with desirable traits
  5. 11. when two or more organisms need a resource in limited supply
  6. 13. not derived from living organisms
  7. 14. all creatures currently living in an area
  8. 15. all of the creatures living at a certain point in time
  9. 16. a large, naturally occuring area with flora and fauna
  10. 17. traits that are best for survival
  1. 2. traits identified by humans to be enhanced and perpetuated
  2. 3. more offspring is made than the environment can support
  3. 4. producing an animal via hybridizing two others
  4. 5. the ability to survive and reproduce
  5. 6. changes in genetic information
  6. 8. how animals and plant develop over time
  7. 12. similar animals that can reproduce